“The Blind” is a captivating visual drama that takes readers on an enthralling journey with a group of blind individuals during a day trip in the forest. Led by Artuur, an older sighted guide, the group is plunged into confusion and unease when he suddenly disappears, leaving them to ponder whether to wait for his return or face their fate alone.
Inspired by a play from Belgium’s sole Nobel Prize for Literature laureate, Maurice Maeterlinck, “The Blind” presents an intriguing drama set in a single location. Maarten De Saeger personalizes the story, depicting the nameless characters and their environment in various drawing styles that vividly convey the group’s emotions and anxieties. The deliberate use of color adds another dimension to the mysterious and contemplative atmosphere, where nothing is predictable, and much is open to interpretation. De Saeger’s rendition also features an open ending, true to Maeterlinck’s original play.
Maarten De Saeger
(b. 1980) is not just a comic artist but also a freelance illustrator and colourist. Black humour and man’s darker side are visible throughout his work, and many of his characters are unsympathetic, manipulative and untrustworthy. De Saeger’s sober colour palette complements his topics remarkably well.