“Suntavaisto” or “The Inner Sense of Direction” is a graphic novel by Finnish artist Hannel Reichert, first published in 2019. The story chronicles the journey of Miriam, a young café worker who moves to a new neighborhood. Feeling alienated in her new surroundings, Miriam seeks to change her fate and find her place in the world. As she navigates through diverse backgrounds and rich cultures in her new area, she strives to integrate with them. Facing challenges from her family who do not understand her choices, she trusts her intuition and pursues her dreams. The novel explores themes of identity, belonging, and social class differences in Helsinki, Northern Europe.
Hannel Reichert, a Finnish artist, brings to life the visual narrative of Miriam’s quest for personal direction. Her illustrations capture the essence of Helsinki’s multicultural landscape and the protagonist’s emotional journey. Reichert’s work delves into the complexities of finding one’s place in an ever-changing world.